John Downey

Landscape and Travel Photography

Last Post. Old Oak and Snow, Great Smoky Mountains.

Old Oak and Snow

So this is it.  No big deal.  Last post.  I’ve run this blog for a couple years and have really enjoyed writing the visual diary.  Now for a new website and blog – check it out,  It’s not that I don’t like WordPress; I do, but want a full-blown photography website.  Thanks so much for the few hundred of you who chose to stick with me and my images since the beginning.  Apologies for the change in venue, but I believe change is good, once in a while.  If you’re so inclined, do visit the new site.  And subscribe, via RSS.  I’d like to hear from you.

All the best,


Chris and Port. Further Work With Speedlights.

Chris and PortWe had the pleasure of getting to know new friends this week.  Previous to our visit, Chris, also an avid photographer, and I knew we’d be talking tech, so I decided to lug my gear.  Before inclement weather hit North Carolina (Spring snow!), I broke out two 580EX strobes, a Lastolite 30″ collapsable softbox and 60″ diffuser.  The softbox was camera left and diffuser, with a second speedlight through it, camera right.  I reduced output of both lights after establishing ambient exposure and lowered the right-side speedlight for fill, leaving the softbox as the main light (square catchlight in the eyes).  This is a small crop of a larger family shot that I really liked.